Friday 15 March 2013

Poem: Don't lose the ticket!

Hey friends...I wrote this poem about three years ago...when there was a lot of mess everywhere...there was extreme corruption going on in my country...Pakistan...there were revolts, wars and revolutions going on in the Muslim world...and that was the time when I was also going through a really tough phase...I had to quit my Science field due to some very strong reasons and was doing private B.A and NEVER in my LIFE had I thought of it! I was upset... and felt quite hopeless...then it occurred that some of my friends appeared in the MCAT (Test for admission in medical colleges). Most of them could not qualify for medical college and were more shattered than me because they had lost a whole year for its preparation...SO THERE WAS MUCH DARKNESS AND GLOOM ALL AROUND US...
...Then i sent an SMS and posted on facebook wall of each one of my friends saying that "life is an ocean FULL of chances...just sail on and don't lose the ticket of hope!!"

That's when I wrote this poem...and felt better even for my own self... it motivated me ..made me see the world through a brighter perspective...and made me rock steady.

So read this one and tell me how you feel after reading it...:)


(By Namra Nasir, Lahore)

When you are lonely in the crowd
With tears your eyes are wet
No one hears you when you cry out loud
Remember not to lose the ticket
You achieve the best and feel proud
No one cheers for you at the wicket
Diffidence forms around you a cloud
Just remember not to lose the ticket
When you get your heart broken
And feel that you are unable to hit it
A voice inside you reminds again
You should not lose the ticket
When your wish doesn’t come true
And what you crave for, you don’t get
HE knows what you are going through
So just don’t lose the ticket
When you try and try and fail
With victory you haven’t met
The spirit hollers deep in your dale
Don’t you ever lose the ticket!
When you want more and time is less
And you need another chance yet
You believe your life is a cruel mistress
Still, make sure you don’t lose the ticket
For life is an ocean, with chances it is doped
One you are deprived of, another you net
So just sail off with the TICKET OF HOPE
And remember, “DON’T LOSE THE TICKET”!

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